Did that get your attention? No, I'm not pregnant. In fact, one of the things I am most thankful for is that when God designed women, He recognized that we reach a point where we are better suited to nurture the children of our children, and we don't have our own babies anymore. I'm very happy to be at that place in my life. But we recently (September 1, 2012) welcomed a new granddaughter into our family. As our daughter was awaiting her birth, she got more and more uncomfortable, and more and more ready for her sweet little girl to arrive. The due date arrived. The due date passed. Anticipation mingled with frustration, and was at times overcome by the frustration. But on 9-1, just as God ordained, Savannah made her way into the world. We are thrilled to be able to hold her and sing to her and love her.
It occured to me that our move has been very much like that. We knew it would happen, we grew eager and wanted to set the timing on our own. But it was God's timing that mattered. We are still learning what that is. We have determined (with the counsel of some very wise people of God) that since Ken's earning capacity is so much greater than mine, he will go first. He will live in a man camp and work and save the money for the rest of us to join him. At the salary of truck drivers in ND, that shouldn't take long. Once he's there and working, the money won't be an issue so much as the availability of a place to live. There are some possibilities, which he will be in a better position to scope out once he is there. At this point we are praying for another car. We have been able to save some money, but we are determined to avoid going into debt, and to save all we can for the trip to ND. As soon as that is in place, Ken will give his two weeks notice and he will be gone.
I grew up hearing and singing a lot of hymns. I miss hymns. I love today's modern praise and worship music, and I would not replace it, but I would love to see some hymns added to the mix more often. They have such depth of wisdom, and I think I learned much of the theology I know from memorizing the lyrics to hymns. Earlier this week, I read 2 Timothy 1:12, which states "...for I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day." On Wednesday of this week, all morning I could hear in my mind a hymn I grew up singing, based on that scripture (I Know Whom I Have Believed). It had been a strange week leading to that day. At the end of last week, I felt God strongly impress upon me "get ready to go." No, I didn't hear his actual voice (though I believe He does sometimes speak to people that way, even today. He is God, after all. He is not limited by our expectations of what He will and won't do. He can do ANYTHING that suits HIS purpose.) But I heard Him, nonetheless. I've been thinking a lot about the implications of that. Was He telling me we will be going together instead of Ken going first? I don't know. That has been our desire from the beginning, but it doesn't make sense from our perspective. So I have tried, with a sick family and with me working a temporary full time job at the County Board of Elections, to figure out how to get that done. Seems impossible to me. But I know whom I have believed. At one point I made a decision to BELIEVE in Jesus Christ and trust Him for my salvation. As time has gone on, and I have trusted Him in many things and found Him to be completely worthy of my trust, it has become more than what I believe. It is what I know. And I know that if He has a plan that I can't see, and He told me to get ready to go, He can make all this happen. And I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him. What have I entrusted to Him? Everything. My life. My will. My possessions. My marriage. My kids. My precious granddaughters. None of them are mine. They are all His. So I hold them loosely, because they don't belong to me. I don't mean to make that sound easy, or like I do it successfully all the time. It's hard. And I fail. And I hold my sweet granddaughters and I can't imagine leaving them. But I must. And I will. To do what God has asked me to do, what He has transferred from His heart to my heart. Until that day. That day when I see Him, face to face. And I will, because He has promised me that in His word. And He is Truth, and completely worthy of my trust. What He says will happen, will happen. I don't just believe that anymore. I know it.
As things stand now, we will continue to get ready to go. And unless God shows us otherwise, Ken will go first and we will stay with the plan that we and others have prayed over. We are so eager to meet the people God first placed on our hearts over a year ago. We can't wait to be a part of what He is doing in Williston.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Catching up...
I wasn't 25 feet inside the church this morning before 3 people asked me what was going on with us. They had checked my blog, and I hadn't updated it. Ahem. Sorry. So....here is a long overdue update.
We are still in Ohio. The move is still on. Yes, we had hoped to be there by now. Things have changed somewhat, but one thing hasn't changed. We remain absolutely certain that God is leading us to North Dakota. Our original plans had me and Amber going first, but for many reasons, that did not work out. We realized recently that this move is going to cost a lot more than we had realized, and it makes more sense for Ken to go first, because his earning capacity in North Dakota is much greater than mine. There are hundreds of jobs available there for truck drivers, and he will get one much more quickly, and at least double his salary. He can live in a man camp or something similar for a time, and save a great deal more money in far less time than I could have, and it shouldn't take long for him to save enough for the rest of us to come and get settled.
We also realized that we have to get another vehicle before we go. We were approved to finance one, but were very uncomfortable with incurring any new debt, especially with the cost of living in North Dakota. So, after consulting three very wise people, we have decided to wait for God to provide something we can afford without going into debt. It has only been in the past week that we have come to a place of being at peace with this decision, and of knowing that if God has called us, He will provide. So, we wait, expectantly, knowing that God has never asked us to do anything without providing for us to do it. And He has provided not only physically and financially, He has provided us with changed hearts, and the desire to do what He has called us to do.
Once the vehicle is in place, Ken will give his 2 weeks notice at work, and he will leave. The rest of us will join him as soon as possible. Until then, we wait, with our feet in Ohio and our hearts in North Dakota.
We are still in Ohio. The move is still on. Yes, we had hoped to be there by now. Things have changed somewhat, but one thing hasn't changed. We remain absolutely certain that God is leading us to North Dakota. Our original plans had me and Amber going first, but for many reasons, that did not work out. We realized recently that this move is going to cost a lot more than we had realized, and it makes more sense for Ken to go first, because his earning capacity in North Dakota is much greater than mine. There are hundreds of jobs available there for truck drivers, and he will get one much more quickly, and at least double his salary. He can live in a man camp or something similar for a time, and save a great deal more money in far less time than I could have, and it shouldn't take long for him to save enough for the rest of us to come and get settled.
We also realized that we have to get another vehicle before we go. We were approved to finance one, but were very uncomfortable with incurring any new debt, especially with the cost of living in North Dakota. So, after consulting three very wise people, we have decided to wait for God to provide something we can afford without going into debt. It has only been in the past week that we have come to a place of being at peace with this decision, and of knowing that if God has called us, He will provide. So, we wait, expectantly, knowing that God has never asked us to do anything without providing for us to do it. And He has provided not only physically and financially, He has provided us with changed hearts, and the desire to do what He has called us to do.
Once the vehicle is in place, Ken will give his 2 weeks notice at work, and he will leave. The rest of us will join him as soon as possible. Until then, we wait, with our feet in Ohio and our hearts in North Dakota.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Eyes on the prize
Since I realized we were moving in January, I have
experienced excitement, curiosity, apprehension, and even some fear. None of those things surprised me. What I was completely unprepared for was the
overwhelming sense of loss I am experiencing as the move draws very close. For a long time, my life has been pretty
secure and predictable. Married to the
same man for 33 years. Being part of
the same church for almost 20 years.
Living in the same house almost 19 years. All at once, everything is changing. Well, not quite everything.
The marriage isn’t changing, but everything else is. When I’ve moved in the past, I’ve had a
house to move into before I moved out of the one I was living in. That is not the case with this move. One of the most difficult parts is my
church. Yesterday I pulled into a
parking place at church, and told the kids to go inside, and I’d be there in a
minute. I cried. I sat in my van and cried. I understand that the church is not a
building. It is the people. The body of Christ, of which I am a
part. But I love these people, who
gather in this building, and serve and worship and laugh and cry and grieve and
love and give, together. Each time I
walk into that building, it gets more difficult. Next Sunday we will be sharing with them for a few minutes about
what they have meant to us, and where we feel God leading us. And I will cry, no doubt. Not in my van, but in front of all these
people I love. It’s a good thing Ken
will be there to talk. He is grieving
these losses just as I am, but he holds it together better than I do.
Amber & I will be the first to go, probably leaving on
the 26th of July. I have a
job interview in Williston the following week.
This is really happening.
These words give me comfort:
He is no
fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose
Jim Elliot
As I leave those I love so much, including some of my
children and my sweet granddaughter, I must keep my eyes on the prize. That’s the only way I can do this.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Such a tiny offering...
This morning at church, someone approached me and mentioned that he heard about our move to North Dakota. He was surprised. I was surprised there was still someone who hadn't heard. It seems that everyone knows about it, and I am frequently asked "why?" As I've mentioned before, North Dakota is not a state I've ever dreamed of living in. I think the easiest way to answer this question is with a song, one that has come to mean a great deal to me since I realized this move was really going to happen.
It was on a windy day in January, when we were driving our oldest daughter back to college after Christmas break, and we were discussing what seemed to be God drawing us to Williston. I should rephrase that. Ken & Amber were discussing - I was whining. It's too cold there. I don't want to go to North Dakota. Me, me, me. This song was playing quietly on the radio. And I heard those powerful words. "Such a tiny offering compared to Calvary, nevertheless, we lay it at your feet." And I knew, instantly. I would go. We would go. How could we not go? Too cold or not, we would go. Because God was leading us there. We still don't know why, but He has work for us to do. In Williston, North Dakota. How could we not go, after what He did for us? It's not about me. It's about Him.
It was on a windy day in January, when we were driving our oldest daughter back to college after Christmas break, and we were discussing what seemed to be God drawing us to Williston. I should rephrase that. Ken & Amber were discussing - I was whining. It's too cold there. I don't want to go to North Dakota. Me, me, me. This song was playing quietly on the radio. And I heard those powerful words. "Such a tiny offering compared to Calvary, nevertheless, we lay it at your feet." And I knew, instantly. I would go. We would go. How could we not go? Too cold or not, we would go. Because God was leading us there. We still don't know why, but He has work for us to do. In Williston, North Dakota. How could we not go, after what He did for us? It's not about me. It's about Him.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Gracious Uncertainty
My oldest daughter graduated from college last week. The speaker at her commencement quoted Oswald Chambers concerning what he called "gracious uncertainty." The idea stuck in my head, and I looked it up when I returned home. He spoke of certainty being the mark of the commonsense life. We all want to be certain of what is next, and that if we act in a certain way, predictable results will follow. Certainty is very appealing, but while it may be the mark of the commonsense life, it is not the mark of the spiritual life. That's where gracious uncertainty comes in. Gracious, because all that we are or have is a result of God's grace. Uncertainty, because as we abandon ourselves to God, He begins to fill our lives with unexpected surprises. We are uncertain in all our ways, not knowing what is ahead. Indeed, the only thing we can be certain of is God. Chambers wrote, "But when we have the right relationship with God, life is full of spontaneous, joyful uncertainty and expectancy. Jesus said '...believe also in Me' (John 14:1), not, 'Believe certain things about Me'. Leave everything to Him and it will be gloriously and graciously uncertain how He will come in - but you can be certain that He will come."
I hesitated in updating because I hoped to have some exciting progress to report in this upcoming move. I do not have that. We continue to pack (throw away, mostly) up the house and prepare for the move. Arrangements for our house here are made, and nothing has happened that leads us to believe we are not supposed to go to Williston this summer. But neither has any progress been made (as least that we can see) toward us having any kind of housing there. We spoke to a "friend of a friend" who lives in Williston on the phone, and he confirmed for us that we really should come with a trailer or 5th wheel camper that will hold up to the ND winter, but we have neither that nor something to pull it yet. We have looked at 4WD trucks, but haven't moved on that yet. Since we turned over control of our lives to Christ (many years ago), He has asked us to do many things we never could have done without Him, and He has ALWAYS provided all the support we would need to complete the task at hand. He has provided support financially, emotionally, physically, and in ways we never could have imagined. He has NEVER provided that support early, but always right when we needed it. I believe He will do that in this situation as well. We are certain that God is telling us to move to North Dakota, and only He could have changed our hearts and made us want to move to a colder climate than we already live in.
As I was reading this over, it occurred to me that God may not provide for this move in the way I hope he will. He may expect us to go without housing arranged. That would be a real test of our faith, and would seem unwise. But would it be? Would it be unwise to do what God called us to do? We would look like fools. Ah, that's the tough part. We don't want to look like we don't have it all together. It would hurt our pride. Stay tuned. You may get to see us look like fools. Because we will do what God has clearly called us to do.
I hesitated in updating because I hoped to have some exciting progress to report in this upcoming move. I do not have that. We continue to pack (throw away, mostly) up the house and prepare for the move. Arrangements for our house here are made, and nothing has happened that leads us to believe we are not supposed to go to Williston this summer. But neither has any progress been made (as least that we can see) toward us having any kind of housing there. We spoke to a "friend of a friend" who lives in Williston on the phone, and he confirmed for us that we really should come with a trailer or 5th wheel camper that will hold up to the ND winter, but we have neither that nor something to pull it yet. We have looked at 4WD trucks, but haven't moved on that yet. Since we turned over control of our lives to Christ (many years ago), He has asked us to do many things we never could have done without Him, and He has ALWAYS provided all the support we would need to complete the task at hand. He has provided support financially, emotionally, physically, and in ways we never could have imagined. He has NEVER provided that support early, but always right when we needed it. I believe He will do that in this situation as well. We are certain that God is telling us to move to North Dakota, and only He could have changed our hearts and made us want to move to a colder climate than we already live in.
As I was reading this over, it occurred to me that God may not provide for this move in the way I hope he will. He may expect us to go without housing arranged. That would be a real test of our faith, and would seem unwise. But would it be? Would it be unwise to do what God called us to do? We would look like fools. Ah, that's the tough part. We don't want to look like we don't have it all together. It would hurt our pride. Stay tuned. You may get to see us look like fools. Because we will do what God has clearly called us to do.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Moving along...
I wouldn't wish my current project on anyone. Sorting through the belongings in a house we have lived in for 19 years is not my idea of fun. It is really difficult. In a strange way, though, it has been therapeutic. It brings to the surface many memories. Most of them are pleasant. Some of them are painful. All of them have given me occasion to think about the way I've spent my time.
Much of my time in this house has been spent doing "mom" stuff - refereeing endless arguments, homeschooling, talking to teenagers late into the night, encouraging, correcting, fixing meals, cleaning, supervising chores, laughing...the list goes on endlessly. During the time I was doing that, it often felt like what I was doing had little value. I see now that it had great value.
In the past ten years, I have been able to work at a few jobs that I really loved. I felt that what I was doing was important, and had great value. God led me into a field I never thought I'd go into (working with offenders), and I loved it. I hope to do that work again after our move. I don't mean to devalue the work I did, but I have come to realize that it wasn't as important as those late night talks with teenagers, or any of the other mom stuff I spent my time doing. I've been pondering I Corinthians 3:11-15. Much of the work I've been paid for will be burned. The "mom" work, even that which seemed brainless and frustrating at the time, will survive. It has eternal value. I'm so thankful God gave me the opportunity to be a mom.
As far as the plans for the move go, things are falling into place. Downsizing the house is progressing slowly. We are developing a clearer picture of the sequence of the move. We are receiving so much encouragement from people who are aware of our plans, and that encouragement is such a blessing. Many people are praying for us and for the move, and that is the greatest support we can receive. A few days ago, I was reading Genesis 24, in which Abraham sent his servant to his homeland to bring back a wife for his son, Isaac. I was struck by how specifically the servant prayed to know who this wife would be, and how specifically God answered his prayer and directed him to Rebekah. I have a tendency to be very general in my prayers, and I needed to see the value of specific requests, and be reminded that God answers them. He is a God of details. I will be putting prayer requests at the end of blog posts, and we would be so grateful if those of you who pray would pray for us.
Housing It is likely that we will need to bring a travel trailer, a fifth wheel or a motor home with us for temporary housing. We will need to find one that is not only affordable, but in good enough condition to withstand North Dakota winter weather, since "temporary" could last 6 months to a year.
Vehicle Our 2005 Dodge Caravan with 160,000 miles would not pull something we could live in. We have looked at a couple of 4 wheel drive pick up trucks and stronger SUV's, but again we need wisdom for what to get, and it needs to be affordable. God will provide what we need, and we want to be wise with His provision.
Much of my time in this house has been spent doing "mom" stuff - refereeing endless arguments, homeschooling, talking to teenagers late into the night, encouraging, correcting, fixing meals, cleaning, supervising chores, laughing...the list goes on endlessly. During the time I was doing that, it often felt like what I was doing had little value. I see now that it had great value.
In the past ten years, I have been able to work at a few jobs that I really loved. I felt that what I was doing was important, and had great value. God led me into a field I never thought I'd go into (working with offenders), and I loved it. I hope to do that work again after our move. I don't mean to devalue the work I did, but I have come to realize that it wasn't as important as those late night talks with teenagers, or any of the other mom stuff I spent my time doing. I've been pondering I Corinthians 3:11-15. Much of the work I've been paid for will be burned. The "mom" work, even that which seemed brainless and frustrating at the time, will survive. It has eternal value. I'm so thankful God gave me the opportunity to be a mom.
As far as the plans for the move go, things are falling into place. Downsizing the house is progressing slowly. We are developing a clearer picture of the sequence of the move. We are receiving so much encouragement from people who are aware of our plans, and that encouragement is such a blessing. Many people are praying for us and for the move, and that is the greatest support we can receive. A few days ago, I was reading Genesis 24, in which Abraham sent his servant to his homeland to bring back a wife for his son, Isaac. I was struck by how specifically the servant prayed to know who this wife would be, and how specifically God answered his prayer and directed him to Rebekah. I have a tendency to be very general in my prayers, and I needed to see the value of specific requests, and be reminded that God answers them. He is a God of details. I will be putting prayer requests at the end of blog posts, and we would be so grateful if those of you who pray would pray for us.
Housing It is likely that we will need to bring a travel trailer, a fifth wheel or a motor home with us for temporary housing. We will need to find one that is not only affordable, but in good enough condition to withstand North Dakota winter weather, since "temporary" could last 6 months to a year.
Vehicle Our 2005 Dodge Caravan with 160,000 miles would not pull something we could live in. We have looked at a couple of 4 wheel drive pick up trucks and stronger SUV's, but again we need wisdom for what to get, and it needs to be affordable. God will provide what we need, and we want to be wise with His provision.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Welcome to my blog!
There's something I need to confess. I hate cold weather. After 25 years of living in Northeast Ohio and dealing with lake effect snow from Lake Erie, I am really ready to move to a warmer climate. At least that's what I thought. God had other plans. He has a great sense of humor. This story began in August of 2011, when I learned about an area in Western North Dakota that is experiencing a great boom in the economy as a result of a huge amount of oil drilling. Jobs are plentiful, and wages are excellent. On the downside, the cost of living is very high, and housing is almost nonexistent. I found that very interesting, but what really interested me was the issues that come with a huge influx in population - problems like increased substance abuse, increased crime, and multiple other issues. These are the issues that grab my heart, not only because I have worked with people who struggle with addictions, but due to my own ongoing recovery and involvement in Celebrate Recovery, a Christian recovery program which focuses on God’s healing power in our lives through eight recovery principles (based on the Beatitudes) and the Christ-centered 12 Steps. Through CR, I have seen people freed from addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors. And these behaviors aren't just the "normal" addictions that lead people to recovery programs, but a variety of hurts, habits and hang-ups which enslave people. And I know from my own experience that the only higher power strong enough to overcome these behaviors is Jesus Christ. It occurred to me that people in Western North Dakota needed to meet Jesus. And I prayed that God would send other people there to accomplish that purpose - people who like cold climates! Did I mention that I am not one of those people? A few days later I asked my husband, Ken, to watch the program I had recorded. He watched it, and his response was much the same as mine, only geared more to his passions, which are different than mine. Both of us knew, though, that people who love God need to go to North Dakota and share His love with the people there who are struggling. Only not us. People who like cold climates. Because if there is anyone who hates cold weather more than me, it is Ken. We began to pray for the people in this area, and the churches, because we knew there were churches there. We both woke up at all hours thinking about it. We didn't talk about it much, but when we did, the discussions always ended with reminders to one another that we are NOT missionaries. In late October I shared all this with one of our pastors, and asked him if our denomination was doing anything in that area. He didn't know, but suggested that I call the District Superintendent for that area. I said I would. I didn't. Pastor Jeff called me every few weeks over the next 2 months to tell me he was praying for us and about North Dakota, and to ask me if I had made that call. I always had an excuse why I hadn't, but assured him I would make that call. I woke up one day in January knowing I would call that day. And when I did, I was able to speak to the person who was researching the possibility of a church plant in Williston, of all places. Imagine that. Only 2 days prior, he was in Williston and held a meeting to determine if there was enough interest to support the idea of a church plant. By this time, we knew God wanted us to go. He made it clear to us that we were to go whether or not there was a church plant, and He would meet us there. I tried to remind him that we hate cold climates, but He changed our hearts. We knew that if God had work for us there, we didn't want to be anywhere else. And now, unbelievably, we are excited to be moving to North Dakota this summer. We have every reason to believe we will be helping with a Christian & Missionary Alliance church plant, but whether that happens or not, we are going. Our daughter Amber will be graduating from college on May 12th, and she has chosen to join us. Our son Kenny will graduate from high school on June 1st, and he has chosen to join us. We have no idea if we will have housing, and many things are uncertain. But our God is going to meet us there. And that's enough. I should also probably mention that I've started to pray for global warming.
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