Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hurry up & wait

When you have to go to your Facebook profile page to get the address to your blog, it’s definitely time to update.
I can’t believe it’s been 20 months since God planted seeds that would lead us to a place we would never have gone on our own – Williston, North Dakota.  In that time, I’ve learned a lot about timing and vision.  Our pastor referred me to a book called “Visioneering” by Andy Stanley.  It’s a good book, but there were some things in it I didn’t really want to come to terms with.  He wrote the following: 

 "A vision does not require immediate action.  As God is in the process of birthing a vision in a heart, we always want to start NOW!  Once we feel the idea is from God, we assume all systems are go, and we need to quit our jobs, step out in faith, and begin.  But the story of Nehemiah, and other numerous biblical accounts illustrate that a clear vision from God does not necessarily indicate a green light to begin.  In fact, some have started out too early, and the result was failure, discouragement.  A vision rarely requires immediate action.  It always requires patience."

That was really not what I wanted to hear, but it’s so true.  Have I mentioned that patience is not one of my strong character traits? Looking back now, we can see many reasons we could not have gone last summer, when we wanted to go.  Hindsight is a wonderful thing.  Much has changed since this time last year.  My two oldest brothers were diagnosed with cancer in July and November of 2012.  One died in December, the other in January.  Losing two brothers in five weeks was difficult, and reminded me of how limited my time on this earth is, and how urgent it is that I use my time serving God and sharing the gospel with those who don’t know Him.  I started this journey asking God “why Williston, ND?”  But the real question is “why not Williston, ND?”  My concerns about the sub-zero climate and snow up to my ears don’t hold up in light of what Jesus did for me.  My concerns are insignificant in comparison.
Many other things have changed as God has continued to grow this vision in us.  He has provided us with a car without incurring any debt.  We have the minimum amount of funds we determined we would need to make a move and begin the process of getting settled.  A church planter has been identified for the eventual church we will help plant.  We do not have an RV or temporary housing as we would have liked to, but we can rent one there.  We will need to find jobs there, but that should be the easy part.  We have to believe that the same God who planted this vision in us, who is with us here, is already there, and will meet our needs.  We are back to the concept of gracious uncertainty, which I blogged about last May.  All that we have and are is a result of God’s grace.  As we abandon our lives to follow Him, the only thing we can be certain of is God.  We live lives of expectant uncertainty, knowing that God is absolutely faithful.
We plan to leave in early June.  We appreciate your prayers.