Monday, July 9, 2012

Eyes on the prize

Since I realized we were moving in January, I have experienced excitement, curiosity, apprehension, and even some fear.  None of those things surprised me.  What I was completely unprepared for was the overwhelming sense of loss I am experiencing as the move draws very close.  For a long time, my life has been pretty secure and predictable.  Married to the same man for 33 years.  Being part of the same church for almost 20 years.  Living in the same house almost 19 years.  All at once, everything is changing.  Well, not quite everything.  The marriage isn’t changing, but everything else is.  When I’ve moved in the past, I’ve had a house to move into before I moved out of the one I was living in.  That is not the case with this move.  One of the most difficult parts is my church.  Yesterday I pulled into a parking place at church, and told the kids to go inside, and I’d be there in a minute.  I cried.  I sat in my van and cried.  I understand that the church is not a building.  It is the people.  The body of Christ, of which I am a part.  But I love these people, who gather in this building, and serve and worship and laugh and cry and grieve and love and give, together.  Each time I walk into that building, it gets more difficult.  Next Sunday we will be sharing with them for a few minutes about what they have meant to us, and where we feel God leading us.  And I will cry, no doubt.  Not in my van, but in front of all these people I love.  It’s a good thing Ken will be there to talk.  He is grieving these losses just as I am, but he holds it together better than I do. 

Amber & I will be the first to go, probably leaving on the 26th of July.  I have a job interview in Williston the following week.  This is really happening.

These words give me comfort:

   He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose

                                                                                                            Jim Elliot

As I leave those I love so much, including some of my children and my sweet granddaughter, I must keep my eyes on the prize.  That’s the only way I can do this.